Sunday, October 29, 2017

Schwinn BMX

As told by former Schwinn employee Rich Adams:

I remember sitting in front of the gigantic CRT monitor (no flat screens back then) in 1994 with the task of designing BMX and Freestyle frames. I was given no guidelines.. no guardrails - only some geometry specs from Pippin and the goal of making a cool BMX bike. Naturally, I pulled heavily from the things we did on the Homegrowns... and some new ideas came about as well: like the extruded chainstay yoke... which at the time was pretty revolutionary. From that extruded chainstay yoke came the inspiration for the seatstay yoke - first debuted on the BMX frames, but later finding their way onto the 2000 Homegrown hardtails as the "Ram Air Seatstay".

TranzX EDP01 Manual

 TranzX doesn't offer the manual for their EDP01 online, so here is a scanned version. NOTE: TranzX recommends inflating the seatpost wh...